Retirement farewell

Elisabeth Raab bids farewell after 21 years with the company

Last Wednesday, the Zimmer Group bid farewell to Elisabeth Raab in a festive ceremony at the Ottersweier site as she took her well-deserved retirement. In addition to the honoree, Peter Müller (Head of Plastics Technology), Matthias Nöltner (Head of Logistics & Shipping), Dagmar Schneider (Logistics & Shipping employee) and Manuela Herberger (Works Council member) were also present.

Elisabeth Raab joined Zimmer Group on February 3, 2003 and has been a mainstay of the family-run company for 21 years and three months. She spent her professional career at Zimmer Group in the Plastics Technology department, where she worked in the Injection Molding Weighing / Packaging position. Elisabeth Raab's loyalty, commitment and dedication have been recognized several times during her many years with the company, especially on the occasion of her 10th anniversary with the company in 2013 and her 20th anniversary in 2023.

She will be fondly remembered by her colleagues at the Ottersweier plant as a reliable and valued employee. Zimmer Group would like to thank Elisabeth Raab for her many years of loyalty and outstanding service to the company and wishes her all the best for the future.