Nearly 38 years of service
Zimmer Group bids farewell to Lothar Ernst
After nearly 38 years of dedicated service, Zimmer GmbH Kunststofftechnik bids farewell to one of its most loyal and experienced employees as he enters retirement: Lothar Ernst. Since joining the company on February 1, 1987, he has made a decisive contribution to elastomer production with his expertise and commitment.
The management and numerous colleagues came together last Wednesday to honor Ernst's commitment to the company. Among those in attendance at the ceremony were Jonas Zimmer (management), Peter Müller (operations management), Silvana Retsch (head of strategic HR), Marco Hetz (shift supervisor), Margot Müller (assembler), Christian Geier (head of production), Stephane Becker (head of injection molding & elastomers) and works council member Ralph Knösel.
During his long career at Zimmer Group, Lothar Ernst was valued not only for his expertise, but also for his commitment and loyalty to the company. Over the years, he celebrated numerous milestones in his employment, most recently the 35th anniversary in 2022. His consistent and reliable work made him a permanent fixture and a popular colleague in the plastics technology department.
The management and the entire team would like to thank Lothar Ernst for his many years of service and wish him all the best, good health and much happiness in this new chapter of his life.